Comet hop plant – pot

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Comet hop plant – pot

Le prix initial était : 6,71€.Le prix actuel est : 6,38€. TTC


A plant in a 2 liter pot has a complete root system, it is 1 year old, it is sent to the unit packed in such a way as to maintain the soil and the roots in the pot during the trip. Easy to plant and with good growth, it can be planted all year round but the best planting period will be from October to March to improve the chances of recovery.

It comes from vegetative propagation or in-vitro multiplication.
If the soil, watering and sunshine conditions are ideal, it can produce from the first year.

Rendement high
9.4 - 12.5%

Rupture de stock


Informations complémentaires

Poids 0,2 kg

Taille du pot

Avis sur le produit

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