Illustration frequently asked questions

There is no list of varieties adapted to your specific conditions, use your instinct, and help yourself from the site !

Varieties that win every time: Cascade, Brewers Gold, Northern Brewer, Perle, Yeoman, Glacier, Magnum, Nugget.

In the spring (like potatoes) or in the fall (like trees): prefer plants in pots for the fall, bare roots for the whole year. Hops will survive frost if planted at the right depth (the collar must be completely covered) and mulched (brf, shavings, straw, etc.).

Everywhere ! (but not just any variety) hops are a climbing plant that can grow on a wire fence or in hedges, but for an optimal and easier harvest, we advise you to climb the vine around a string ( nylon, tow, hemp…) in a sunny place.

All hop plants sold on our site are female plants, the only form that produces hop flowers for brewing, herbal teas, decoration and pharmacology.

Bare roots have a root system on average 5 times larger than a young plant, so it will grow faster and give more cones in the first year.

The main advantage of the young plant is its price.

The plants sold on HOPSTOCK come from European countries and have a PPE (European Phyto-Sanitary Passport) or originate from France and then comply with specifications that guarantee good multiplication practices.
However, there is no “sanitary certification” guaranteeing the total absence of hop viruses, diseases or viroids.

There are more than 250 cultivars of hops marketed in the world, among which about fifty are “protected” by a Certificate of Varietal Obtention or Patent.
These are cultivars resulting from a varietal research program financed by producers or private companies.

Production licenses can be obtained by professional hop growers if they comply with more or less strict specifications, it’s the case for a few varieties, Mistral, Aramis, or Triskel which have their liscences delivered by Comptoir Agricole, with royalties per kg of dry hops produced.

To learn more, we recommend the article Happy Beer Time

A hop plant reaches full maturity at three years, followed by 20 good years of vigorous production, then the plant will begin a slow decline. However, some hop fields have kept their feet for up to 50 years!

Dried hops are subject to certification if intended for sale, this procedure is explained here.

Since 2020, we have been offering a solution for the transformation into pellets and the marketing of hops, to obtain information, let us know.

To make a living from growing hops, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this plant by planting several plants of several species in different conditions and follow its evolution until harvest before committing to a more ambitious project.
If you would like to join a hop association, there may be one in your area!

We also provide a consulting service to professionals to help them set up their hop workshop.

The plants are not organic, but that does not prevent your certification: hops are not part of the list of “semences biologiques” because there are no suppliers in Europe. Consequently, it can benefit from derogations granted by the certifying body if you have a certificate of non-availability of organic hops. (REGULATION (CE) N° 834/2007)

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